Whimsical Teapot and Pink Tea Roses Romantic Chic

Whimsical Teapot and Pink Tea Roses coasters

Hello everyone, and welcome to Leisure Lane. It’s a lovely day here with clear skies, crisp coldness and low humidity. Such a wonderful change from the past few weeks.

Greeting card

I’ve added another lovely design to my Redbubble shop, LeisureLane1. The design lends itself nicely for a Mother, friend, or someone special Valentine greeting, Mother’s day greeting, or any occasion to brighten someone’s day. It’s perfect for the romantic chic and vintage lover in us all. I ordered one as a greeting card, but it’s also available in postcards, travel mugs, phone cases, coffee mugs and more. Click the images to see everything.

My friends and I have brought back the lost art of sending greetings through the mail. It’s so much nicer than receiving a text or email. First, it gives you something lovely (or funny) to look at, and second, reading something in someone’s own hand is so much more personal and heart-felt. It’s a little bit of them – their energy, personality, and substance in your day. At least that’s how I see it – but then, I’m a bit old-school.

Go out and enjoy the day – take a walk, take a break, listen to the breeze, smell the clean cold air, watch the squirrels – something that gives you a sense of calm and happiness. Persevere, find gratitude in at least one thing today, laugh hard, and…

Until next time, may happy days abound.






Valentines, Thank You, or Anytime

Sweet spiral notebook to journal all those ideas and things close to your heart. From The Knittington Fairies collection

Good day, everyone. I hope you’re enjoying this new year. So many wonderful opportunities are on the horizon, so keep your eyes and heart open for them.

I’ve added another design from the Knittington Fairies collection to the Redbubble LeisureLane1 shop. This sweet design is perfect for Valentine’s Day, Thank you, special occasion, or anytime.

Note card (also available in postcards, stickers and more.

“From My Heart to Yours” stickers

Here it is offered with text, “From My Heart to Yours”. So sweet for Valentines, Thank You, or anytime you want to send something special.

From My Heart to Yours postcard

“From My Heart to Yours” postcard. (Also available in note cards, spiral notebook, and more.

If you’d like to see these products or more, click on images.

Well, I just wanted to share what’s new. I’m always adding more designs, so feel free to stop by LeisureLane1 to see check out all the designs.

Thank you for visiting today. I love your comments and visits. I hope you found something to inspire you today. I look forward to seeing you again soon. God bless you, and…

Until next time, may happy days abound!


Little Jack’s Big Purpose – Delightful Halloween Tale

Good day, everyone. I hope you’re enjoying All Hallows Eve EVE. It’s very rainy here today, but it’s beautiful and full of happy surprises around every bend.

There’s still time to get Little Jack’s Big Purpose to read yourself or to your little ones before trick-or-treating. This delightful tale came to me last year upon waking one morning just before Halloween. It’s sure to brighten your day and make Halloween (or any day of the year) more meaningful for everyone. It’s only 99 cents, and you’ll get so much more out of it then you put in. I’m confident enough to say, “I promise” 😉

Thank you for visiting today. God bless you, be safe and healthy, and…

Until next time, may happy days abound!


O Happy Days!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying a lovely weekend. Just a quick note to let you all know I no longer work at the job I had. God’s mercy is new everyday! Now I am free to go and serve the Lord – to pray more, to find more, to be more! I look forward to spreading my wings as God leads with new direction.

Thank you for your constant encouragement and patience. I appreciate every person who has visited Leisure Lane – both friends and casual acquaintances – you have made this journey more loving and tolerable. Always remember to stop and smell the roses – you never know what inspiration may come from it.

Until next time, may happy days abound!

Marianne ♥

River Runs Deep Book Launch

Good day, and I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying a delightful autumn.  I am very excited to announce that my new novella, River Runs Deep is now available on Amazon Kindle!  If you like Hallmark style love stories, you are going to love this.

Added note 10/18/2017:  I forgot to mention that there are two recipes from the story at the end of the book – Elsie’s Rose Water Scones and Catherine’s Peppermint Water.  A little something extra for you to enjoy!

Though it’s a fiction, the foundation of the story is based on an experience I had many, many years ago.  One that I will cherish forever.  I promised to tell you how I came to write this book, so here is the story.

A few days before Mother’s day 2016, I had a dream of an Native American chief.  The dream is mentioned in the book, so I won’t go into detail here.  When I asked him who he was he said, “I am Faith.”  That Mother’s Day, I was working at the store, and stopped by to visit my sweet friend, who worked in another department there before going home.  I wasn’t thinking about the dream, but we were talking and having fun and something reminded me of the sweet encounter I had when I was 20 years old. I hadn’t related the story to anyone in decades, but I told her about it, and without hesitation, she excited announced, “Oh, my gosh, that’s so romantic – that’s your next Hallmark romance story!!”  And a little over a year later, here it is.

For book link, please click here.

Well, I hope you enjoyed that little behind the scenes story.  I gave you the Reader’s Digest version 😉   Be of good cheer, and…

Until next time, may happy days abound!
