River Runs Deep Book Launch

Good day, and I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying a delightful autumn.  I am very excited to announce that my new novella, River Runs Deep is now available on Amazon Kindle!  If you like Hallmark style love stories, you are going to love this.

Added note 10/18/2017:  I forgot to mention that there are two recipes from the story at the end of the book – Elsie’s Rose Water Scones and Catherine’s Peppermint Water.  A little something extra for you to enjoy!

Though it’s a fiction, the foundation of the story is based on an experience I had many, many years ago.  One that I will cherish forever.  I promised to tell you how I came to write this book, so here is the story.

A few days before Mother’s day 2016, I had a dream of an Native American chief.  The dream is mentioned in the book, so I won’t go into detail here.  When I asked him who he was he said, “I am Faith.”  That Mother’s Day, I was working at the store, and stopped by to visit my sweet friend, who worked in another department there before going home.  I wasn’t thinking about the dream, but we were talking and having fun and something reminded me of the sweet encounter I had when I was 20 years old. I hadn’t related the story to anyone in decades, but I told her about it, and without hesitation, she excited announced, “Oh, my gosh, that’s so romantic – that’s your next Hallmark romance story!!”  And a little over a year later, here it is.

For book link, please click here.

Well, I hope you enjoyed that little behind the scenes story.  I gave you the Reader’s Digest version 😉   Be of good cheer, and…

Until next time, may happy days abound!
