Kare and Mare: Surrendering

Kare and Mare 31

Good day, everyone,

Well it seems that Kare surrendered to the calling, so to speak.  I think most of us have done it at times.  But I also think the best thing is to just enjoy it when you do, and learn to pick your battles, even with food.  Because if you’re eating something indulging with the stress of guilt attached, then the stress is going to be more unhealthy than what you’re eating.

So if you’ve been good about eating healthier than be encouraged to continue 🙂  And if you treat yourself, make sure you really enjoy it and it’s good quality…then the indulgence will satisfy you more.  Hmm, I think I hear my name; I’m hoping it’s those yummy organic strawberries.

Until next time, may happy days abound!


If you’ve missed any “Kare and Mare”, or you’d like to know more about them, you can go to the Kare and Mare page and view them there.

Note:  “Kare and Mare” is a comic panel created by Marianne Coyne.  All rights reserved.