Kare and Mare: Big Ideas

Kare and Mare 27Click to enlarge

Welcome to Leisure Lane, friends…

You may have to click the image to enlarge…I apologize for that.  I don’t know what happened…by the measurements it should show up bigger, but then I don’t understand these things…math, you know.

So Mare wants to try her hand at quilting, and for a good cause, too.  Well, lets give her a chance to purchase her fabrics, threads and all, and we’ll meet her back here on Monday to see how she’s doing.

Until next time, may happy days abound!


If you’ve missed any “Kare and Mare”, or you’d like to know more about them, you can go to the Kare and Mare page and view them there.

Note:  “Kare and Mare” is a comic panel created by Marianne Coyne.  All rights reserved.

A Little Something Extra

I promised one of my blogger friends to publish a delicious brown rice pudding recipe I found on the internet.  I use less honey than required and it’s plenty sweet for me.  I did find that the rice sinks to the bottom and the cinnamon rises to the top with the custard, but it’s a healthy, yummy-licious dish anway!

Brown Rice Pudding


 2 eggs

2 cups of milk

1/4 cup of honey

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 1/2 cups cooked (cooled) brown rice

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 cup raisins

sprinkle of nutmeg


 In a mixing bow, beat the eggs.

Add milk, honey, vanilla, rice, cinnamon, and raisins.

Turn into a 1-1/2 quart casserole and top with grated or ground nutmeg.

Bake at 350 degrees F for one hour, or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean.

Chill and serve plain, or with a dollup of real whipped cream, nuts or fruits. Or eat it warm out of the oven.

 Serves four to six.

 Note: Recipe as is does not mix well. So a solution would be to either precook on stovetop (stirring constantly on medium) and finish baking in oven, or begin baking and stir mixture as it thickens.   You can experiment as desired or follow directions as they are.  ENJOY!