Whatever Things You Desire…


“Whatever things you desire when you pray, believe you receive [them] and you shall have [them].”  Mark 11:24

Good day to all…

and thank you for dropping by Leisure Lane to say ‘hello’.

One of the most joyous times for me is early morning.  Especially when the sunbeams gently stream through the window and dance with the shadows.  It always invites me to sit peacefully and listen to the quietness of God.  It is at these times more than most that He speaks to my spirit and invites me to speak to His.

Today was such a day, and in such a day the Lord reminded me of ‘desire’ – the desires that are in my heart.  Those desires that are for my well-being and the well-being of others.  And he reminded me that if I desire it, then He placed it within me.  His Spirit placed within my spirit the desires of my heart, and that I should be at peace with that knowledge.

I was reminded that I am co-creator with Him; that He wishes for me to relinquish the struggle within, and to bring my desires to Him when I pray, believe I have already received them (that is to take them when I pray), and they shall manifest for me.  Simple teaching of Jesus.  So why do I, and so many of us, make it complicated?  That is a good question that only each of us can answer for ourselves.  God already knows.  So I answer it and then relinquish it.

My vow to myself and to God, who desires all joy and good things for me, is to relinquish ALL things that do not benefit, uplift, feed, and produce Life in my spirit, soul, and body…to be drawn only to those things which are in His will for me.  For I know that in that will be great expectancy and manifestation of  joy, peace, harmony, balance, and fulfilled purpose.

I hope that you will find a part of the day that will bring you into the quietness of God.  And throughout the day, stop and take a moment to extend that grace back to Him.  For that is the first desire of the heart.

Until next time, may happy days abound.

Marianne ♥

Leisure Link Party

15 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Trackback: The Leisure Link Final Round-Up | Perspectives On....
  2. Terri Webster Schrandt
    Aug 05, 2015 @ 04:21:47

    I was touched by this post, Marianne. How perfect for the subject of leisure and how God’s hand is in our freedom to choose for our well-being, those things that bring us joy. For even God rested on the 7th day. Thank you for sharing this on #TheLeisureLink!



  3. purpleslobinrecovery
    Jul 24, 2015 @ 06:14:35

    Yes, God has placed those desires in our hearts. If we seek after Him, He’ll give us the desires of our hearts. Mine were to have girls, and a grand baby. God has graciously granted both those desires. Now, I live alone, and trying to be still more, and listen to His still small voice.
    Here from Leisure Link.



    • Marianne
      Jul 24, 2015 @ 14:28:53

      Being still is the hardest, isn’t it? At least for me as of late. You may also enjoy my newest post, Her Purple Life.

      You mentioned during my giveaway that you were wanting to read only Christian oriented books. I am willing to gift one more kindle, The Heart of Annie…The Strength of God, for the time being. If you have the time to read it, and think you would like to read it, I will be more than happy to gift it to you. Just let me know. If you could leave a review, that would be great, too.
      Enjoy a wonderful weekend ♥

      Liked by 1 person


  4. bettylouise31
    Jul 23, 2015 @ 18:37:16

    I have been trying post just my photos but end up with all posts I made that d ay



  5. Tuesdays Torch
    Oct 10, 2014 @ 18:15:43

    God is truly faithful to give us our hearts desire thats just incredible he cares so much for every one of us…good word…glad we met on KCM Community!



  6. Joanne Jamis Cain
    Aug 06, 2014 @ 15:47:33

    Marianne, this is so beautiful and so timely for me. I have a bunch of plates spinning in the air right now and I try and touch God’s Grace several times a day. It is the way for me to center myself and keep from feeling overwhelmed.
    I love this post and hope you do more just like it! xo Joanne



  7. Florence
    Aug 06, 2014 @ 15:32:20

    Lovely post Marianne.
    Florence x



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