Heavenly Reminder

My dear friends,

I had already created a post for today, when I inadvertently came across “Praises Sung”, a post I created on May 20, 2011.  As I was reading it I was profoundly struck, as recently I have been entering into a new level of Life.

You know how you can learn things at a certain point in time, and then later…maybe weeks, months, even years…the same information is brought in front of you again, usually just at the time you are experiencing a shift in your spiritual journey.   Well, that’s what’s been going on with me this past week.

I believe that when we feel the most neglected is the point in space and time when a door is opening for us to move to a higher level.  (And what I’m realizing is that these feelings of being ‘most neglected’ may appear many times in our lives)  If we walk through that door then we will experience God’s best.  If we don’t, then again at some point the same information will present itself to us for another chance for advancement.

There is a door opening at this moment in my Life…a spiritual door that, as I walk through, will be the point of amazing creation for a better earthly experience.  Oh, it makes me smile to walk through this glorious door.

So, my friends, I felt compelled to reprint here part of the post I wrote on May 20, 2011.  I don’t think it was a random circumstance that I came across it today.  It spoke to me once again from the heart of God, and I hope, wherever you are in your journey, it can speak to you.  It is as follows:

“…when [the] meat of marriage is set before you, and the Lord says, “My wooing has ended, but My Love for you is beyond your ability to measure.  Will you still sing My praises when, for some circumstance, you cannot feel Me near and think Me far off?  Or will  you learn to know Me, and how much closer I am to you than your breath…this is for you to know, for remember, I already know every inch of you, my beloved.”

Then a new journey begins.  One in which stretches and strengthens your trust, until one cannot tell where the Lover ends and the Beloved begins.  When the two become One.”

If you are interested in reading the whole post you may click here.

Thank you for visiting.  May you experience much love and peace within your soul, and may you create a life of well-being…the life God wants you to live.

Until next time, may happy days abound!


5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Jeannette
    May 25, 2012 @ 18:27:23

    You brighten my day and make it sparkle with all of the positive thoughts! I love the thoughts and where they take me in my thinking. Smiles and sunshine all around! Tea and cupcakes for all!!



  2. Marianne
    May 23, 2012 @ 03:02:19

    There is a great thing happening, where what touches one is touching others…and I am amazed at it all! Thank you all for your insightful comments



  3. Jenn
    May 23, 2012 @ 02:54:50

    First, great photos. I especially like the candle (oooh red and silver and wood and white!) and the sweet heart in the other photo. My faves. What a post too. I went to the other post and read it. I kept thinking, why didn’t I see that particular post when I realized it was May of last year! Some great thoughts – some very real and compassionate thoughts – we just don’t realize sometimes, enough about Jehovah and Yeshua. I keep mulling over the wooing and close as your breath and will I still know He is there when I don’t “feel” that He is. You betcha – another move upwards in the spiritual journey. I enjoyed the poetic writing that went into both ths post and the original one. Well spoken – all the way around.



  4. Brenda
    May 21, 2012 @ 17:32:39

    So very beautiful, Marianne. It is so good to get this reminder that God is always near even though we don’t feel Him. I think He stands back just enough so that we will seek Him even more. It is quite a journey, isn’t it? I have also been going through this lately and I’ve told you that I have felt as if I was being attacked. To think of God being as close to me “as my breath” SHOWS ME that He is so very close indeed. I guess He doesn’t stand back, but He will allow us to grow. I may not feel Him during those moments, but I close my eyes and I now KNOW that He is as close to me as my breath, I can SEE/FEEL Him right before me. THAT in its self is so reassuring. And something that I will always try to remember. For if HE is for us, who can be against us.
    Thank you for this beautiful reminder.
    Love you,



  5. KatherinesDaughter
    May 21, 2012 @ 11:02:50




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